Creature Clothes
Dog Collar Service
Dog Collar Service
Our dog collars can last a life time if cared for well. Dogs will however throw the kitchen sink at them and rightly so jump in that pond! Run through that hedge! Roll in that... eewww. No. Maybe not.
If your dog's collar is looking a little worse for wear, you can book it in for a collar service with us and we will give it a really good clean and polish. Rivets will be replaced and all repairs that can be done will be. If it is studded, we will replace any missing studs and tighten up existing ones.
Once purchased, your dog collar will be booked in for a service. Please send us your collar to:
The Creature Clothes Workshop, 6b The Old Airfield, Upper Holton, Halesworth, Suffolk, IP19 8NH, UK. Return postage is included. We can work on Creature Clothes dog collars.
Don't forget to enclose your return address and let us know if there is anything specific that you would like us to work on too.